Our Focus Areas
Every day we work hard for the well-being of the environment and people
Activities are aimed at empowering vulnerable youth and children.
in the field of traditional arts to support the restoration and development of cultural and spiritual heritage.
The project aims to encourage the local population to participate in decision-making processes and development policy aspects. The project is implemented in the Toktogul district of the Jalal-Abad region.
Restoration of traditional agriculture and natural landscapes of nomadic peoples of the Pamirs, Tien Shan and Sayan-Altai through the revival of aboriginal animal breeds.
The aim of the current project is to contribute to the climate change mitigation through the development of a model of agricultural value chain that respects biodiversity
To live in harmony with nature - the ability was lost during the period of industrialization.
Kyrgyz nomadic culture is a very rich and diverse. Our task is to prevent the loss of traditional knowledge and culture in the age of globalization.
The Kadam Initiative promotes family prosperity, togetherness and peace
The aim of the Project is to compile a general picture of the situation of local communities protecting natural areas in Kyrgyzstan in order to raise awareness of the public, government agencies and interested international organizations about the activities, potential and needs of these communities.
We help develop local initiatives that benefit the community.
We work with local communities to mitigate and prevent conflicts.
Our policy is aimed at a liberal distribution of land.
The country's development is driven by developed regions.
We regularly hold and take part in various events.
Preservation and transfer of traditional knowledge through the community "Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna".