
Results of the Subgrant Competition!

Dear Friends,
According to the results of the Call for Proposals, for sub-grants under the project "Support for Local Community Development of Green Agriculture - Go Green" RDF reports the following:
The Call for Proposals was announced on October 15, 2021, and the closing date for applications was set for November 30, 2021.
Further, the submission deadline extended to and including December 3, 2021.
By regions and lots, the information about applications is as follows:
For Lot 1. "Support of farming groups on the cultivation of medicinal plants, as well as the creation of small income-generating enterprises for their processing and sale" the following number of applicationsreceived”.

For Lot 2. "Support of pilot educational institutions in activities aimed at teaching schoolchildren and students to grow medicinal plants, their processing, and marketing, as well as preservation of local biodiversity" the following number of applications were received:

The Evaluation Commission meeting for application was held on December 9, 2021.
The Evaluation Commission consisted of members of public associations, the scientific community, and representatives of state agencies.
According to the decisions of the meeting of the Evaluation Committee, the following winners of this competition were determined:

The Batken Region:
Farming community - leader Sultanova Jumagul.
Project name: "Improvement of the economic situation of farmers and local communities through the cultivation of endangered medicinal plants in Batken".

The Jalal-Abad Region:
Farming community – leader Farukhjon Ismanov.
Project name: "Providing jobs for locals of Ak-Korgon village of Ala-Buka rayon".
Farming community- leader Temiraliyeva Karamat and Beknazarova Gulmira.
Project name: "Overcoming poverty and providing employment by growing medicinal plants".

The Issyk-Kul Region:
Agricultural cooperative "Issyk-Kul Organic".
Project name: "Cultivation of medicinal plants, their drying, packaging and exporting".
 Farming community – leader Musabaeva Zhanara.
Project name: "Increasing family income by growing medicinal plants, Bokonbaev village, Ton district".

The Naryn Region:
Public Fund "Sanrabigo".
Project name: "Medicinal plants for improving health".
Public Fund "Koonorbos Muras".
Project name: "Capacity Building and Strengthening Initiatives of Local Communities in Acha Kaiyndy and Ak Zhar Villages through developing of a model of productive production".

The Osh Region:
Public Association "Orchun".
Project name: "Development of economic opportunities for women with increased income through the cultivation of medicinal plants”
Farming community – leader Kalmamatov Dastan.
The Project name: "Cultivation of medicinal plants on one-hectare land of Chyiyrchyk place in Gulcho Ail aimak", Alay district of Osh oblast".

 The Talas Region:
Farming community –“Talas AgroTrade”  
Project name: "The cultivation of Medicinal Plants in Bakay-Ata and Kara-Buura regions of Talas Oblast".
 Public Association –“Ak Kaiyn Ata Murasym”
Project name: "Taking care of health and improving the family budget by growing medicinal plants".

The Chui Region:
Farming "Samarbek"
Project name: "Agroecology of medicinal plants for the well-being of family farms of Syntash aiyl aimak".

Public Foud – “Amanat Omur”
Project name: "Training of farmers of Kyzyl-Tuu, Tokbai, Asylbash, Novopavlovka villages to grow medicinal plants and training on sources of income without harming the environment”.

In addition to this announcement, all participants of the Contest who did not selected will be notified of the reasons for rejection on an individual basis.

2022-02-07 16:01