What We Do

International Land Coalition ILC - Asia

PF "Rural Development ; fund" (RDF) is a member of the International Land Coalition (ILC) since 2013 and at this stage implements the project "Ecosystem Management Taking into Account the Interests of Local Communities" (CBI 6). The project is designed for 3 years, its participants are such countries as Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines. RDF is implementing the project in partnership with the Philippines Xavier ; Science Foundation (XSF) with the support of the International Earth Coalition (ILC).

Asia is the largest and most populous continent with an area of ​​44,579,000 square meters. and makes up about 30% of the global territory, rural communities in Asia produce food and raw materials for themselves and the rest of the world. There is no doubt that land tenure becomes a significant issue when growing populations demand more products, and when environmental degradation and climate change reduce the amount of land, fisheries and forestry, thus the likelihood that these lands will be exploited uncontrollably, that will lead to fierce competition for its resources.
The initiative aims to strengthen communities in the management of environmentally unsustainable ecosystems by documenting, replicating and disseminating community-oriented land management experiences through government policies and programs.

Participants   CBI 6:
RDF, KAFLU, UWUA  , Kyrgyz Jaiyty   (Kyrgyzstan),
IESD (Kazakhstan),
JASIL   (Mongolia),
Prayatna Samiti, SARRA, AIPP India, FES (India),
KPA, JKPP (Indonesia),
AIPP (Thailand),
NGO Forum, Star Kampuchea, AIPP Cambodia (Cambodia),
PAFID,   XSF   (Philippines)

Tasks for a 3-year period:
Objective 1. (Mobilization). Documenting and sharing experiences, strategies and best practices of local ecosystem projects of ILC Asia member countries as examples that can be adopted and adapted in other countries;
Objective 2. (Mobilization / influence). Strengthening the capacities of various stakeholders on strategies and processes related to local ecosystem principles, using various intergovernmental platforms;
Task 3. (Connection). Strengthening strategic partnerships on locally managed ecosystems, both with ILC members and beyond, especially at the regional level;
Problem 4. (Influence). Presentation of experiences in relevant national and global platforms, recognition and acceptance of people-centered land administration.

Relationship in ILC-Asia members:
- Imposition of a communication strategy between the participants.
-Strengthening ties   between members of the ILC-Asia.

Regional meetings of ILC-Asia member-members.
First meeting -   counseling and initiation. At the start of this initiative, regional meetings will be held with participating members to discuss and agree on the promotion and policies of local ecosystem management in each country and sub-region.
The second meeting - will be held in the second year of the project, when pilot communities with experience in local ecosystem management are identified, during the meeting, participants will make presentations on the international coalition of the land.
The third meeting is to conduct trainings for members of the international coalition of the earth. In the 3rd year of this initiative, participants will be able to attend training programs,   representatives of   intergovernmental organizations will also be invited to this event.

- Each participating country and ILC members should document community initiatives and strategies for an international land coalition.
-Documented local initiatives and examples will be compiled into training materials for publication. Further, the materials will be used to strengthen the capacity and adaptation of communities of members of the international coalition of the earth.
- Curriculum development. To the extent possible, the program will engage academia, government and intergovernmental organizations to gain broader support.

Supporting activities at the national and sub-regional levels. The initiative will also support and complement the National Influence Strategy (NIP) agenda and campaigns in various countries to promote land and resource management principles with the involvement of local communities.

Influencing the development of environmental policy. As mentioned above, this initiative will support and complement the agenda at the local, national and sub-regional levels of the participating countries through the use of common tools and guidelines for documenting and developing training materials and for strengthening the capacity of the International Earth Coalition.

Expected results:
Community-managed ecosystems are identified, documented and published.
Improved capacity of civil society and communities to promote and facilitate local governance of ecosystems in co
Natural Resource Management