
Baseline Study for the Project on “Sustainable Ecosystem Transformation in Natural Resource Management in Kyrgyzstan (UET NRM)”

RDF has signed an agreement with FAO to conduct a baseline survey on the well-being of rural residents as a part of the process of developing a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund. This project, which aims to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change, is based on an ecosystem and community approach to natural resource management.

The purpose of the study is to collect and analyse data on households, their main sources of livelihood, and on basic information on the well-being of the population in pilot sites.

The main objectives of the study are:

1) Collection of basic information in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Proposal;

2) Analysis of the relationship between local communities and the available natural resources that support households’ livelihoods, while paying particular attention to groups that: (i) are particularly vulnerable to the degradation of natural resources caused by climate change; and (ii) disadvantaged in terms of access to natural resources and access to project opportunities due to certain socio-economic indicators;


3) Assessment of the resilience potential of the local population, households and communities, and their strategies for coping with the stresses and shocks associated with climate change.


The study was conducted in the following areas of the Kyrgyz Republic: Suzak district; Uzgen district; Togu Toro district; Ak Talinsky district; Toktogul district; Talas district; Bakai-Ata district; and Zhayilsky district.