
Final meeting of the female peace-builders

The final meeting to discuss the results of the grant component of the project, “Strengthening the capacity of women and vulnerable groups of communities in restoring peace and harmony in Kyrgyzstan”, funded by the UN Women, will be held in Osh on 18 October 18, 2011. The meeting will be composed of the leaders of implemented micro-project groups, Peace Women’s Committees, representatives of partner organizations, such as the Network of Women Peacemakers of Kyrgyzstan, NPO For International Tolerance, NGO Association of Women Entrepreneurs, as well as local and regional medias, such as Osh Zhanygygy newspaper and KTR.

The activities of the project component began in the spring of this year to promote greater participation of women in conflict resolution, peacebuilding and the consolidation of peace and good-neighbourliness.

RDF developed and implemented a grant component (sub-grant program) of the project, selected small communities and financed micro-project ideas aimed at peacebuilding and conflict prevention. We also monitored and assessed these micro-projects in the process of their implementation. Training sessions were also conducted for the representatives of the Network of Women Peacemakers on the methodology for developing proposals for micro-projects and for implementation of the micro-grant programmes.

The final event will be held at the end of the project, and the project participants will be able to discuss and share their difficulties, successes, lessons learned during the project, and also ideas for future joint activities.