What We Do

Empowering Vulnerable Communities Living Near Forests to Improve Their Food Security in the Kyrgyz Republic

“Empowering Vulnerable Communities Living Near Forests to Improve their Food Security in the Kyrgyz Republic” Project

Project timeline: 1 September 2014 - 31 December 2015
Place of implementation: Karool-Dobo village, Kok-Oyrok aiyl district and Samarkandek village, Samarkandek aiyl district.
Donor: DCA

Project partners:

  • State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Chon-Kemin State Natural Park and Batken Forestry.
  • Karool-Dobo meikin zhamaats and Alasan meikin zhamaats

The goal of the project was to improve food security and diets for vulnerable communities living near forests through the development of participatory forest management mechanisms and procedures for the transfer of management functions to local communities.

Project objectives were:
- Increase food security of communities living near forests by developing and testing mechanisms with their involvement in forest management.
- Improve living standards by raising awareness of the importance of diets and developing economic activities to use natural resources.
- Improve the living standards and access to food for the communities living near the forest by creating appropriate conditions for the development of community forestry.

Main project activities:
- Conducting a needs assessment in terms of access of local communities to forest resources;
- Preparation of joint action plans for joint forest management;
- Documenting the process and holding a national workshop;
- Conducting an assessment of food security and nutrition in target communities;
- Development of a strategy to improve the diet in target communities through effective forest management;
- Documenting the process and developing information materials on nutrition.
- Study the potential of communities and localities;
- Identification of possible conditions for creating models of community forestry and potential for the development of agroforestry;
- Development of preliminary business plans for community forestry.

Sustainable Forest Management