
Vacancy: SMM Specialist

The main responsibility of the "SMM Specialist" is to implement a campaign aimed at raising general public awareness about the project, project participants and activities, to provide relevant information about all activities and processes, as well as to support the Project and promote the products of the project beneficiaries in the development of activities on cultivation, collection, production and processing of medicinal and aromatic herbs.

SMM - Specialist is responsible for implementation of the following activities under the project:

- Broad informing of the population, public about the Project activities in general and activities within the project in social networks (instagram, tic-toc, facebook, youtube) on the organization's website;

- Maintaining a page of social networks to promote products (tea and medicinal herbs) of the Association for the cultivation of medicinal herbs, goods and services in social networks (instagram, tic-toc, facebook, youtube) and on the website of the organization;

- Dissemination of information about the Project activities for stakeholders and for the general public in social networks (instagram, tic-toc, facebook, youtube) and on the organization's website;

- Determination of the format and topics of video materials, informational posts on social networks;

- Creation of information posts, photos and videos in social networks and on the organization's website about the Project, participants and events within the Project;

- Prepare informational materials about the Project (such as booklets, brochures, posters, etc.) in collaboration with the PR specialist;

- Work closely with the Project Coordinator, RDF PR specialist on the work of the information campaign and social media posts;

- Cooperate and support the Project beneficiaries in dissemination of information, creation of information posts, promotion of their activities within the project;

- Support in organizing meetings, events as needed.

Period of work: March 1-May 31, 2023

Submit CV and letter of interest by mail:
2023-02-25 23:14