RDF has launched a project on revitalization of yak herding cultures on highlands of Central and Inner Asia.
This project aims to revive centuries-old, original traditions associated with the manifestation of solidarity and interaction between the indigenous peoples of Asia, which aim at promoting the nomadic culture.
There 3 main goals of this project:
- Research of current situation of yak herding in Kyrgyzstan, Murgab (Tajikistan), Buryatia (Russia)
- Information work with the media according to the results of the research, preparatory work for the Congress
- Congress of yak herders of Kyrgyzstan, Murgab (Tajikistan), Buryatia (Russia), Mongolia.
As a result Congress will become the first Regional platform for identifying and discussion of issues of yak herding and yak herders. It will create a powerful incentive for rethinking existing issues and will become the platform for the exchange of cases, experiences and learned lessons. Also, it will help raise the problem of yak herding from a narrow profile assessment to consider it as one of the promising areas of countries with mountain and steppe potentials, as well as equate the preservation of the human environment, biodiversity and food security. The participation of their children will create a complementary approach and development of intergenerational communication. The media will be able to understand and tell the audience about the essence of the problem and draw the attention of livestock breeders, artisans, tour/business communities to the yak sphere, as a possible ways of developing revenue-generating project without harming the environment.