
Advises to Young Farmers: RDF Published Series on Livestock Breeding

Within the framework of the project on “Revival and Dissemination of Kyrgyz Traditional Pastoral Knowledge and Practices”, which was funded by the Christensen Fund, RDF produced a series of booklets titled, “Traditional Knowledge to Help a Breeder”. The materials and data in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in places such as in Turkey and China where dense population of the Kyrgyz is present, are gathered by the custodians of Kyrgyz traditional pastoral knowledge during several years of project implementation. These materials were carefully processed, documented, and analysed by the RDF experts, and then underwent technical examination by specialists from the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Agrarian University, the Consultation and Innovation Centre.

This resulted series include booklets titled, “Nomadic Kitchen”, “Yurt: Nomads’ House”, “Tips on Saypker”, “Camel: Beauty of Nomads”, “Jailoo (Summer Pasture) Games”, “From the Depth of Ages: Plants Around Us ”,“ Treatment of Animals ”,“ Nomadic Pastures ”, and“ Nomadic Rituals ”. These booklets illustrate how to care for and treat animals in the conditions of jailoo (summer pasture land), how to raise horses and amblers, as well as the methods of general animal husbandry, the use of herbs and plants in the kitchen and everyday life. They also provide advice on the arrangement of a nomadic home, the traditions and rituals of nomadic life, and traditional games for children.

Brochures will be donated to the rural advisory councils, to agricultural technical schools and colleges, and also to the ‘Kojo’ network for incorporating the contained materials into training, practice and education programs for students, the current and future livestock farmers. Brochures are also available to everyone, they can be purchased by contacting RDF at: