
Global Land Forum, Bundung, Indonesia, 21-27 September 2018

The Global Land Forum of the International Land Coalition (ILC) takes place every three years. This forum is known for the engagement of civil society organizations, the host country’s government, and high level political figures in its organisation.

The 2018 conference in Bandung built on bringing together ILC members and partners from across the world. This includes grassroots organizations, activists, local and international NGO’s, researchers, multilateral organizations, and government agencies so they could advance understanding of the complex and dynamic political, economic, environmental and social linkages among land governance, food security, poverty and democracy.

The Global Land Forum provides spaces for participants to discuss pressing problems common to the world, such as inequality and climate change – and what role agrarian reform has in addressing both of these.

The theme, United for Land rights, Peace and Justice, emphasizes the advantage and the potential of the growing network with an increasing emphasis on how to engage with governments in countries to promote people-centered land governance.

The program of the Global Land Forum included conference themes on: agrarian reform, food security, land grabbing, and women rights, as well as three cross-cutting themes on indigenous peoples’ rights, climate change and youth. Workshops, idea exchange and networking opportunities were provided by ILC members and partners with a focus on the attendees for their learning and skill-building.

Field visits were arranged on September 21-23 for members of regional and global assembly members.

Rural Development Fund in a collaboration with UNCCD, BothEnds, and NGO Bios, organised a workshop on “ Realizing Sustainable Use of Ecosystems”, in which the participants discussed about member contributions to SDG15 and possible solutions to protect land rights in the framework of the Convention.

Kyrgyz Pastoral Uses’ Association, 

Kyrgyz Zhaiyty, was nominated for an ILC award as a outstanding member who had contributed to putting people at the center of land governance.

It was a good opportunity to all of the members of ILC to discuss together, exchange and meet in one place.

On the last day of the forum, on 27 September, the Global Assembly adopted a new declaration that once again renewed member strength and a vision as a united network.

We would like to express our gratitude to the ILC Secretariat, Government of the Republic of Indonesia, all other partners, and core donors who prepared and organised this conference in Bundung.

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