
RDF training for local communities in the southern region

For representatives of local communities: “Alasan meikin zhamaaty” (Batken), the local community “Kogoi” from among the forest users of the Kyzyl-Unkur forestry (Bazar-Korgon), representatives of the local community of the village of Konduk (Kara-Kulzha) and for members of the local community of the village of Kara- Koktu (Nookat) and the local community of Aravan village (Aravan training was held in Osh city on April 4-6, 2021.

During the training sessions were held on the protection and preservation of biodiversity, on threats to natural areas, master classes, a practical session on the use of a GPS device for mapping a natural area, and accounting for animals and birds were held. A trainer on legal issues and an advocacy specialist held a session on the topic "Mechanisms of relationships with local self-government bodies, business structures, and NGOs", held a consultation on participants' issues. A public relations specialist (PR) held a session on effective work with mass media, on the need to inform the activities of local communities through social networks, so that people know about their initiative, understand the importance of biodiversity and nature for their own lives.

Also, there was a session for the exchange of information, achievements, news between the communities. The presentations were bright, interesting, they spoke with love about the animals living in these territories, about unique places, about their plans, problems, and about finding solutions. 

Especially interesting for them was the online presence of the head of the Indian NGO Prayatna Samiti (ICCA member), Mr. Darpan Chabra. According to the reaction of the participants, he managed to interest them in information about the activities of the ICCA Consortium, and also to share with the experience of the Indian local community.

Project "Strategic support to local communities that protect and manage natural areas", with the support of the SGP UNDP GEF

2021-04-08 14:18