What We Do

Project "Further Steps for the Conservation of Cultural and Biological Diversity through Traditional Knowledge in the Kyrgyz Republic"



The Public Foundation "Rural Development Fund" (RDF) implements the Program to support local communities to inform and introduce mechanisms of Access and Regulation, as well as Benefit Sharing (ABS) of genetic resources in the Kyrgyz Republic

This Program is implemented within the framework of the project "Further Steps for Conservation of Biological and Cultural Diversity through Traditional Knowledge in the Kyrgyz Republic". The project aims to strengthen the ability of local communities to improve their economic status through the conservation of traditional knowledge (TK), protection of biological and cultural resources based on Access and Equitable Benefit Sharing (ABS) mechanisms. The project activities are aimed at exploring opportunities for the implementation of the ABS system in local communities, by conducting information and awareness raising on access and benefit sharing of genetic resources (GR) and traditional knowledge (TK), in strengthening the capacity of the Pastoral Network (custodians of traditional knowledge) "Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna" (KEAK) in conducting research on ABS, and creating conditions for establishing a dialog between all stakeholders on its promotion in the country.


To provide technical and advisory support to local community groups to study the utilization of genetic resources of the area, also introducing VRS mechanisms at the local level.

The objectives of the small projects are:

To sensitize local communities on ABS issues from the use of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.
To create a platform for dialog between all stakeholders on the implementation of ABS regimes.
Providing micro-grants to local communities for research, experience sharing, awareness raising activities.


The first phase of the micro-grant program was a preliminary study of local communities with different experiences and skills in applying traditional knowledge on genetic resources.
The second stage was the stage of collecting micro-grant ideas for implementation of the DRV mechanism in Kyrgyzstan. At this stage, members and leaders of the pastoral network of KEAC by regions from communities with experience in utilization of genetic resources were actively involved.
The third stage of the program is based on the selection of ideas on genetic resources and associated TK provided by communities.
The fourth stage is the stage of implementation of micro-grant ideas, RDF provides advisory and technical support in the process of implementation of micro-grant ideas with the involvement of environmental specialists and experts from research organizations.
The final stage of the micro-grant program "Zher bailigy - El bailigy" is the organization of community festivals, actions at the sites of small projects implementation, where the results of implemented micro-grants will be presented. The principles of the DRV will be discussed, as well as the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the country with the involvement of the local population.


Activities to improve public awareness and discussion of the basic principles of the Nagoya Protocol.
Activities on conservation of natural plant resources for further protection and conservation of genetic resources.
Activities to increase the capacity of local communities on GR and TK issues.
Support activities on production of products utilizing genetic resources and associated TK.
Exchange visits between communities on experiences in the use and management of genetic resources.

Small project sites:

Communities where plant resources (berries, herbs) are actively used, where natural resources generate substantial income to support household welfare.
Communities where local people try to regulate the flow of tourists, visitors, and do their own work to conserve local resources.
Communities that need support in protecting crop genetic resources (e.g. wheat species, potatoes, apricots, apples).
Communities in areas where there is significant harvesting of genetic resources such as aconite, licorice, altyn tamyr, and other plant species, also wild berries, other natural resources.
Natural Resource Management