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RDF Director K. Akmatova participates in the forum "European Union - Central Asia" in Tashkent

Kuluipa Akmatova, Director of the Rural Development Fund Public Foundation, participates in the Fourth Civil Society Forum "European Union - Central Asia" in the capital of Uzbekistan, which takes place on March 9 and 10, 2023.

The forum aims to enhance the role of civil society in strengthening regional cooperation between the countries of the European Union and Central Asia. The event also focuses on an innovative complement to the EU's Global Gateway strategy and builds on the outcomes of the Connectivity Conference held in Samarkand in 2022. Much attention in the program is paid to gender equality, women's needs, and youth development.

Among the participants of the forum are representatives of civil society, government members (experts), private sector, researchers, media representatives from EU and CA countries.

The program of the event includes an opening plenary session and three thematic sessions.