
"Supporting the development of green agriculture by local communities"

Today, on April 26, 2021, the first meeting of the Coordinating Council of the project "Support for the development of green agriculture by local communities" was held in the office of the Public Fund "Rural Development Fund" - "Aiyl өnүkturk fund".

The Project Coordinating Council is a collegial coordinating body formed to provide organizational support to our Foundation in the effective implementation of the project. The Coordinating Council consists of representatives of government departments, ministries and public organizations, and public figures.

The first meeting of the Coordination Council was opened by the Director of the Fund Kuluypa Akmatova. She spoke about the history of the Foundation, implemented projects and immediate plans. Zhunusov Uran, coordinator of the project "Support for the development of green agriculture by local communities" spoke in detail about the project itself and about the functions of the Coordination Council. During the meeting, the members of the Coordination Council asked questions of interest, and also made their recommendations and proposals for the project.

Following the meeting, the chairman of the Coordination Council was elected in the person of the Deputy Director of the Department of Biodiversity, Yrsaliev Bakyt Keneshovich. The meeting of the Council will be held once a quarter.

2021-04-28 16:39