
Field visit to collect data for a project on water use

Within the framework of the project on “Horizontal training for effective water management at the level of local self-government”, funded by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a study on effective water resources management at the local level, as well as on the interaction of Water Users’ Associations with local governments and other state bodies, was conducted in three regions in southern Kyrgyzstan from 26-29 October this year. The survey aimed to identify the needs for mentoring networks in rural communities to create a sustainable interconnecting system to share successful and effective experiences.

We also collected statistical data in the rural areas of Nookat district of Osh region and Bazarkorgon and Suzak districts of Jalal-Abad region during the survey, and in the Batken region, we monitored the activities of rural community mentors and examined their duties. We will utilise all the collected data to prepare for the final reports and project materials, as well as for choosing topics of round table discussions at the final event of the project.