
Position of the civil society of the Kyrgyz Republic on the occasion of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC

Bishkek - July 7, 2021 - A discussion was held on the public position of the Kyrgyz Republic prepared on the occasion of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which will be held on November 1-12, 2021 in Glasgow, Great Britain. The discussion was held with the aim of presenting the position of civil society to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic regarding the country's preparedness to participate in international processes on climate change within the framework of the upcoming COP26, as well as the need for new ambitious initiatives in the field of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reflected in the document Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement (NDC), which is currently being finalized.

The meeting was organized in cooperation with members of the Green Alliance UNISON Group and BIOM with the assistance of the “Policy Action for Climate Security in Central Asia” project, implemented by UNDP with the support of UK Aid.

Integration of climate change issues into the national policy of the country is carried out at a low level. This is due to the practice of insufficient attention and political will on the part of the leadership of the republic. Historically, environmental and climate change issues have received little attention. Climate change brings great environmental and socio-economic risks. NDC is being prepared under the Paris Agreement. Like all civil societies in the world, we demand ambitious initiatives, because the future of humanity on Earth depends on it. In this regard, support and understanding from government agencies is very important, and we welcome the creation of the State Committee on Ecology and Climate, which will carry out comprehensive intersectoral work,” said Nurzat Abdyrasulova, Chairman of the Green Alliance of Kyrgyzstan and President of Unison Group.

Director of the State Committee for Ecology and Climate Dinara Kutmanova thanked the civil sector for their active work and noted: “For the first time in our country, a separate structure has been created, the Department for Climate and Sustainable Development. All efforts on climate issues will be focused in our department, this will increase the effectiveness of our activities. We all understand that action is needed to respond to climate change. I would like these discussions with the civil sector to be ongoing."

During the meeting, a document was presented on sectoral proposals for adaptation to climate change following regional consultations, including proposals to strengthen public involvement in the development of the main NDC framework document.

Members of the public association prepared a position from the civil sector of the Kyrgyz Republic, a document reflecting their vision on the country's actions in the framework of future threats of climate change and building an effective climate policy system, participation of the country in international processes to attract climate investments, representation in the Council of the Green Climate and Adaptation Fund, as well as active promotion of the country's interests in different negotiating groups with similar interests.

The appeal notes the existing strong potential of the civil society of the Kyrgyz Republic, which has accumulated unique experience in working at the level of local communities in mitigation and adaptation to climate change, since at the local level, it is not so much technological as psychological aspects of the introduction of new technologies that are important. At the same time, a huge gap has emerged between those who understand the complex and specialized terminology of climate discussions and non-specialists who also want to be involved in the negotiations. Civil society is ready to actively support public awareness of the impact of climate change, possible adaptation measures to prevent the consequences of climate change.
2021-07-08 15:05