What We Do

Capacity building of LSGs and WUAs in effective interaction and water resources management

On November 25, 28 and 30, 2011, forums will be held in Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken cities to discuss the results of activities implemented by RDF under the partnership project "Strengthening the capacity of local governments in Batken, Jalal-Abad and Osh provinces to reduce conflict potential through effective resource management". Within the framework of the project, RDF aimed to identify and study factors of effective interaction between local self-governments and Water Users Associations and disseminate successful practices on water resources management among 102 ail districts of Osh, Jalal-Abad and Batken provinces of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Under the project, RDF developed training materials and conducted training for representatives of mentor aiyl okmotu, as well as supported mentors in conducting training sessions for representatives of neighboring mentee aiyl okmotu.

The final event will be the final stage of the project, where the project participants will be able to jointly discuss the results of the project activities, their successes, achievements and difficulties, lessons learned during the project implementation and future prospects. The meeting will be held with participation of representatives of NAMSU, State Committee for Water Management and Land Reclamation, Water Users Association, local self-government bodies, donor organization, as well as local mass media.

Time and venues of the meetings:

November 25 - conference hall of the hotel "Osh-Nuru", Osh city, Bayalinova str. 1

November 28 - "Tagai-Biy" complex, Jalal-Abad, 13 Zhenizhok str.

November 30 - children's art house "Meerim", Batken city, 3 Salikhova str.
Natural Resource Management