
Participation by the Pastoral Network at Our First International Summer School

From 15 to 22 July, 2011, representatives of the pastoral network, Kyrgyz el Akyl Kazyna, participated in the First International Summer School organized by Taalim Forum, a non-profit organisation in Bishkek. The summer school was held in the village of Kalmak-Ashu, Chon-Kemin district for teachers, journalists, doctors, ethnographers, ecologists, linguists, economists and sociologists from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kenya and Japan. Members of the pastoral network organised a workshop on yurts, and served as facilitators during a training.

The representatives of the network actively shared their experiences by demonstrating some of the customs and traditions associated with yurts, and by explaining what structures it consists of. They also demonstrated the rituals which one needed to perform before entering the yurt, burning of juniper, and prayers while engaging all the participants at the summer school.