What We Do
Exchange visit

Rural Development Fund was part of the Global Land Forum in Bandung, Indonesia, September 21-27, 2018

The International Land Coalition meeting at the Global Land Forum (GLF) takes place every three years. A significant difference of this event is the participation of civil society organizations, government structures and the high level of political engagement of the host country in the organization of the event. The conference in Bandung is built on bringing together International Land Coalition members and partners from around the world.

Local organizations, activists, international researchers, NGOs, and government agencies gathered to discuss and understand the political, economic, environmental, and social links between land governance, food security, poverty, and democracy.

GLF creates a space for participants to discuss inequality and climate change and the role of agrarian reform in addressing them.

The theme - "Uniting for Land Rights, Peace and Justice" emphasizes the family-oriented nature of the International Land Coalition event to showcase the potential of the growing network with an increased focus on how to work with national governments to engage people in land governance.

The conference program included topics such as: agrarian reform, food security, land grabbing and women's rights, as well as three cross-cutting themes that are widely discussed: indigenous peoples, climate change and youth, an ideas fair, and a networking forum where sessions were organized by members and partners. Site visits were organized for September 21-23. Community Rural Development Fund in collaboration with UNCCD, BothEnds, NGO Bios organized a session on "Realizing Sustainable Use of Ecosystems" where they discussed the organizations' contribution to SDG15. The session participants considered a resolution on protection of land rights under the Convention.
A new organization from Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Zhayity, has been nominated as a member of the International Land Coalition as an organization that has contributed to putting communities at the heart of land governance.

On September 27, 2018, a new declaration was adopted that will renew the strength and vision of the network members once again.
On behalf of the Kyrgyz delegation, we would like to express our gratitude to the Secretariat of the International Land Coalition, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and all partners and donors who participated in the organization of this conference and contributed to the organization of the event in Bandung.

For more information go to: www.globallandforum.org