
RDF participated in a seminar on "green skills."

The Rural Development Fund contributed to the training of a training team for the professional development of natural science teachers.

The RDF team participated in a methodological training workshop for trainers on the educational module for teachers "Foundations of Natural Science: Building Green Skills and Resilience to Climate Change" on March 4, 2023, in Bishkek.

Kuluipa Akmatova, Director of RDF, spoke at the event, describing the activities of the fund and projects related to conservation of the country's biodiversity, the formation of green skills, green agriculture, improved management of biosphere territories, and the revival of the aboriginal horse. Alina Jenishbekova from the Foundation talked about RDF projects for children and youth.

Also, the Rural Development Fund presented an exhibition about its work with pictures, brochures, and books about Kyrgyz traditions, rituals, the Kyrgyz horse, the snow leopard, the forests of Kyrgyzstan, and others.

The methodological training workshop was held from March 1–4. The aim of the seminar was to prepare a team of coaches for the professional development of teachers of natural sciences who would be able to form the basics of the natural scientific picture of the world, the basic "green skills" and methods of knowledge of the changing natural and man-made world, and an interest in natural science knowledge. The workshop was organized by the ecological movement BIOM, the Zhashyl Climate Project, and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2023-03-11 19:45