At the end of March 2011, RDF has started new project on “Horizontal peer-learning on effective management of water resources at the level of local self government”, which focuses on developing the capacity building of local government bodies. The project is aimed to strengthen potential capacity of local self-government bodies in providing services on irrigation through effective partnership with local associations of water users. The project has been implemented in 120 local communities in Osh, Djalal-Abad and Batken oblasts.
We expect representatives of local communities to be trained during the project as coaches who will be able to teach and train their colleagues from other local communities in order to effectively circulate knowledge and experience on water resources management.
The project is supported by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which is one other largest organizations in Europe working on security issues. The project has been implemented by several partners, including RDF, Business and Law Development Fund, LARK, Development Policy Institute, Civil Society Support Center, and Foundation for Tolerance International (FTI).