Kyrgyzstan- Peace Building Center, Rural Development Fund, Federation
Buryatia-Russia - BBCIC
Dates: August 2019 - July 2020
The Consortium sees its mission in the restoration of traditional agriculture and natural landscapes of the nomadic peoples of the Pamirs, Tien Shan and Sayan-Altai through the revival of aboriginal animal breeds, contributing to the preservation of bio-cultural diversity on Earth. The proposed project of the consortium for the revival of aboriginal animal breeds of the peoples of the Pamirs, Tien Shan and Sayano-Altai at this stage sets two interrelated goals:
(1) restoration of the gene pool of two aboriginal animals - the Kyrgyz horse and the Buryat cow as the basis for the restoration of nomadic pastoralism and pasture ecosystems in Kyrgyzstan and Buryatia;
(2) restoration of the spiritual and cultural identity and interconnection of the nomadic indigenous peoples of the Pamirs, Tien Shan and Sayan-Altai in the field of aboriginal animals and natural pastoralism.
The project is implemented by the PF "Rural Development Fund" ( as part of the Consortium, which is a non-profit, research organization, with the support of the New Venture Fund
(NVF) (
Fund contact information:
Email address:
Facebook: Rural Development Fund
Instagram: rdfkyrgyzstan
* This publication does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the New Venture Fund (NVF)