
Training sessions in Kemin for the project on “Equal access to pastures use for beekeepers in the Kyrgyz Republic”

The aim of the project is to support beekeepers by providing rights to use and access pasture land for the creation of viable and sustainable beekeeping business. The projects main purpose is poverty alleviation, conflict resolution and biodiversity maintenance in project’s pilot communities.

From 24 September to 5 October, RDF conducted a series of trainings for beekeepers in the villages of Kayindy, Tegirmenti and Karool Dobo in Kok Oyrok local community, Kemin district, Chui oblast. The visiting trainer and a memeber of Agricultural Sciences, Salimbek Makhmasharipov, gave detailed lectures on beekeeping, marketing, and creation of apiaries, and how to work with apiaries. The participants also learned about some difficulties they might face in the beginning.

“The purpose of this training is to give basic knowledge in beekeeping to the interested participants, tell them about possible risks and benefits. We discussed the market – where and how they can take bee products – and the challenges of honey exports to other countries. We also looked at the first versions of community maps, which include several layers, such as the food base for the bees in the area, good pastures, degraded pasture land and the location of existing apiaries, as well as ways and movement of visiting and local beekeepers” said Mirgul Amanalieva, the project coordinator.

The participants had the opportunity to immediately apply their knowledge in practice by using the necessary equipment under the leadership of Salimbek Makhmasharipov.

Trainings were held as part of the project on “Equal access to use of pastures for beekeepers in the Kyrgyz Republic”, cordinated by Rural Development Fund and the Bees for Development and the Republican Beekeepers Association (RBA), with financial support from the Darwin Initiative.