Asian Land Forum "People-Centered Land Governance", International Land Coalition (ILC)
RDF participates in the Asian Land Forum: "People-Centered Land Governance: Securing Community Land Use Rights to Improve the Livelihoods of Local Communities". The forum was held from September 12 to 15, 2017.
The Forum was attended by more than 100 delegates from member organizations of the International Land Coalition (ILC- InternationalLandCoalition, RegionalPlatformforAsia) from Italy, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Philippines, Nepal and Kazakhstan, as well as deputies of Jogorku Kenesh, representatives of the Government and state structures of Kyrgyzstan, as well as scientists, representatives of non-governmental and farmers' organizations.
This platform provides an opportunity to discuss the results and challenges in implementing community initiatives in Asia, including land reform and existing land policy challenges in the Central Asian sub-region, as well as to exchange ideas on existing best practices and strengthen cooperation between ICPs in Asia.
Then delegates participated in the field tour of the Issyk-Kul region and visited places of best farming practices on sustainable pasture management and horticulture development, as well as see the mountain forests of Kyungei Ala-Too and learned about sustainable forest management practices.
The event was organized by the Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan and the International Land Coalition - Asia (ILC) with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Association of Pasture Users "Kyrgyz Jaiyty" and the Mountain Partnership.
RDF participates in the Asian Land Forum: "People-Centered Land Governance: Securing Community Land Use Rights to Improve the Livelihoods of Local Communities". The forum was held from September 12 to 15, 2017.
The Forum was attended by more than 100 delegates from member organizations of the International Land Coalition (ILC- InternationalLandCoalition, RegionalPlatformforAsia) from Italy, India, Pakistan, Mongolia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Philippines, Nepal and Kazakhstan, as well as deputies of Jogorku Kenesh, representatives of the Government and state structures of Kyrgyzstan, as well as scientists, representatives of non-governmental and farmers' organizations.
This platform provides an opportunity to discuss the results and challenges in implementing community initiatives in Asia, including land reform and existing land policy challenges in the Central Asian sub-region, as well as to exchange ideas on existing best practices and strengthen cooperation between ICPs in Asia.
Then delegates participated in the field tour of the Issyk-Kul region and visited places of best farming practices on sustainable pasture management and horticulture development, as well as see the mountain forests of Kyungei Ala-Too and learned about sustainable forest management practices.
The event was organized by the Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan and the International Land Coalition - Asia (ILC) with the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Association of Pasture Users "Kyrgyz Jaiyty" and the Mountain Partnership.