RDF Traditional Knowledge Project Coordinator Akmatova Kuluipa participated in the International Conference, which was held as a result of the UN Decade "Water for Life" from June 9 to 11, 2015 in the capital of Tajikistan. The event was attended by more than 120 organizations working on mountain development issues, including representatives of government structures and local authorities, members of Parliament, non-governmental sector, development partners, researchers and practitioners, representatives of local communities from different countries.
The Mountain Countries Forum was organized by the Central Asian Mountain Hub with an office at the University of Central Asia, together with the Government of Tajikistan, with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The agenda of the Mountain Forum included issues related to agricultural development and food security in mountainous regions of Central Asia under climate change through integrated sustainable watershed management.
RDF Project Coordinator Kuluipa Akmatova presented a new Series of books on Kyrgyz traditional knowledge at an exhibition held as part of the event. The purpose of this publication is to instill in people a love of nature, to teach them to live in harmony with the environment, and to teach the rational use of the resources of the surrounding mountain landscape, pastures, and water - as a sacred source of life according to the tradition of our ancestors.