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The Asian Land Forum and the Regional Assembly of the ILC

The Asian Land Forum and the Regional Assembly of the ILC

The International Earth Coalition (IEC) Regional Land Forum provides an opportunity once a year to bring together some of the most prominent organizations in the region, including local and international NGOs, researchers, and multilateral organizations, and to hold talks with government agencies. Present and talk about the work being done in each country and share their best practices.

The Forum was attended by representatives of 11 Asian countries (India, Mongolia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Philippines, Nepal, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan), more than 100 delegates from member organizations of the International Earth Coalition (IEC) - a global alliance of civil society and farmers' organizations, UN agencies, NGOs and research institutes established in 1995.

The event was organized by the Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan (ALZK) headed by Burkhanov A.M. and supported by the International Coalition for Land - Asia (ILC Asia). Kyrgyzstan is represented in the ILC by 4 organizations: Rural Development Fund (RDF), WUA Union, Association of Forest and Land Users of Kyrgyzstan and National Association of Pasture Users.

The Forum was attended by deputies of the Jogorku Kenesh, representatives of the Government and state structures of Kyrgyzstan, representatives of science, non-governmental and farmer organizations of Kyrgyzstan - National Association of Pasture Users, Union of Water Users Associations, Agency for Community Development and Investment, Federation of Organic Movement BIO-KG, PF 'ADI', PF 'RDF', PF 'SAMRALATOO', etc., and representatives of international development partners: FAO, KOICA, JICA, WorldBank, IFAD. Representatives of the ILC Secretariat from Rome (Italy) also participated.

The continuation of this event from September 13-15 took place in Issyk-Kul where the Asian Regional Assembly of the International Land Coalition members (International Land Coalition, Regional Platform for Asia) was held.

Kyrgyzstan hosted the Asian Land Regional Forum for the first time to discuss the results and challenges of community initiatives in Asia, including land reform and land policy challenges in the sub-region of Central Asia and Asia as a whole. The Forum also provided an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas on existing good practices and strengthen cooperation among ICZ members in Asia. The Regional Assembly of ICZ members acts as the main decision-making mechanism on a platform to consolidate and approve priorities, initiatives and activities for ICZ participation at regional, state and local levels.

During the two days of the program, the participants of the assembly sat at a round table and heard reports on the work done in each country separately, then conducted work in small groups and concluded the meeting by summarizing the results and considering the plans for implementation for the next year and three years.
On the third day, the ICW delegates went on a field tour of the Issyk-Kul region and visited the sites of best farming practices on sustainable pasture management and horticulture development, as well as the mountain forests of Kyungei Ala-Too and learned about sustainable forest management practices.

As a result of the Assembly, a declaration / appeal of the participants to the Governments of the countries of the ICZ member organizations on improving land use management and strengthening community land use rights to improve the livelihoods of local communities and pasture users was proposed.
2017-09-15 16:28 Networks and Exchange Visits