What We Do

Elders and youth for the conservation of the snow leopard and its habitat!

Project Objective:
To conserve and protect the snow leopard and its habitat by creating a dialog between cultural and spiritual practitioners, between community elders and youth, between students and local people to launch initiatives called "Friends of LOSL".

Period: June 15, 2019. - July 14, 2020.

Team leader Raimbekov Japarkul - spiritual practitioner
Kutman - improvisational poet
Temirbekova Gulmira - coordinator

Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna Pastoral Network (KEAK - reliable guardians of traditional knowledge)
Council of local aksakals
Local Women's Committee, Youth Committee
Local authorities, schools, educational institutions
KIDC "Aikol"

Expected results:
The population will be informed about the sacral significance of the snow leopard, taboos, TK on fauna and flora associated with the natural habitat of the snow leopard.
Local NGOs, community leaders, women and youth committees, media will be sensitized about LOSL activities and initiatives in the participating countries.
"Friends of LOSL" groups will be formed to support the initiatives conducted by Japarkul and RDF on snow leopard conservation.
TV and radio programs featuring Japarkul will be organized, as well as interviews in local newspapers.
Meetings in local communities, educational institutions will be organized
Traditional Knowledge