What We Do

Bata - as a Phenomenon of the Spiritual and Cultural Life of the Kyrgyz People

"Bata - as a Phenomenon of the Spiritual and Cultural Life of the Kyrgyz People"

RDF launched the "Bata—as a Phenomenon of the Spiritual and Cultural Life of the Kyrgyz People" project in May 2021. The goal of the project was to conserve and disseminate the meaning of "Bata" or Blessings as a spiritual and cultural phenomenon and heritage of the Kyrgyz people and to educate the young generation to respect the people's history and traditions.

"Bata" is an important part of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Kyrgyz people. Blessing has important power; people believe in the power of blessing and compare it with heavenly grace. The Kyrgyz people have always wanted, waited for and asked for blessings from tribe elders (uruu), aksakals (elders) and wise elderly women called baybiche. To this day, people believe that "thanks to the rain the earth becomes green, thanks to the blessings people grow (or become stronger)". There are different types of blessings, for example, bata given to newborns, newlyweds, warriors, housekeepers for a treat, etc. Blessings are always given by respected people with special status, often older people with rich life experience and filled with wisdom. However, at present, blessings in people's lives are losing their significance and importance.

Therefore, within the framework of the Project, a study of the phenomenon of "Bata" was conducted through documenting the bata and its archiving. As a result of the project, informational brochures were published and 2 films were released demonstrating the process of giving Bata, which was carried out by the custodians and spiritual practitioners of "Bata". Materials, brochures and videos were distributed among stakeholders in order to highlight the importance of this phenomenon and to support young keepers of "Bata".

The project was implemented with the support of UNESCO in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Traditional Knowledge and Intangible Cultural Heritage