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Series of brochures "Traditional knowledge to help the livestock farmer"

Within the framework of the project "Revival and Dissemination of Kyrgyz Traditional Pastoral Knowledge and Practices" with financial support from the Christensen Foundation, RDF published a series of brochures "Traditional Knowledge to Help Livestock Breeders". They present materials and data collected during several years of the project implementation by the keepers of Kyrgyz traditional pastoral knowledge in Kyrgyzstan, as well as in the places of compact Kyrgyz settlement in Turkey and China. These materials have been carefully processed and documented, analyzed by RDF experts, and undergone technical expertise from specialists of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Agrarian University, and the Center for Consultation and Innovation.

This series includes the following brochures: "Nomadic cuisine", "Yurt - the nomad's house", "Tips of Sayapkers", "Camel - the beauty of the nomad", "Games on Jailoo", "From the depths of centuries. Plants Around Us", "Animal Treatments", "Nomadic Pastures" and "Nomadic Rites".

These brochures are about how to care for and treat animals in jailoo conditions, how to raise horses and ponies, as well as describing methods of distant livestock breeding, the use of herbs and plants in cooking and everyday life, giving advice on nomadic housing, reminding of nomadic traditions and rituals, and teaching traditional games.

The brochures will be distributed to the country's rural advisory services, agricultural high schools and colleges, as well as to the Kojo network for inclusion in the training and education of current and future livestock farmers.

The brochures are available to the public and can be purchased by contacting RDF at general@rdf.in.kg.
Traditional Knowledge