What We Do

Next Steps for Conservation of Biological and Cultural Diversity

Next Steps for Conservation of Biological and Cultural Diversity Project

The project was focused on strengthening the capacity of local communities to improve their economic situation by preserving traditional knowledge (TK), and protecting biological and cultural resources through Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) mechanisms.

Activities included:
• Development of a methodology for research: collection, documentation and georeferencing of information on rare and endangered species of genetic resources, as well as cultural monuments of the area, research;
• Development of materials for training events, conducting training on research methodology with the involvement of the coordination centers of the Network of Custodians and Practitioners of Kyrgyz Traditional Knowledge “Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna” (KEAK) in the regions of the country;
• Development of a Small Grants Program and its implementation on rare and endangered species of genetic and cultural resources, and restoration of traditional knowledge for its conservation and use;
• Development of an inventory of genetic resources with a proper description, compiled by the CEAC members and invited experts;
• Publication of research results, entering into the database for the development of ABS strategy in the country;
• Review and study of the existing policy framework, institutional and legal framework related to the use of genetic resources and related TK in the republic;
• Preparation of a proposal for the development of an ABS strategy in the Kyrgyz Republic based on the results of research analysis and world practice;
• Development/adaptation and publication/broadcast in the media of information materials on the use of genetic resources and associated TK in the country, as well as on the mechanism of access and sharing;
• Initiating dialogue through discussions, interviews and meetings with various stakeholders/ participants;
• Organization of a National Conference to present conclusions and recommendations on the ABS strategy.

Project timeline: 2016 - 2018

Partners of the project:
  1. SAEPF under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  2. NAS of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  3. Pastoral Network of custodians and practitioners of TZ "Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna" - KEAK;
  4. Association of Pasture Users of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  5. Pasture Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  6. Association of Craftsmen of the Kyrgyz Republic, Association of Farmers, Livestock Breeders and others.

Results of the Project:
• Capacity-building to KEAK members was provided with skills to collect, document and georeference information and TK on genetic and cultural diversity;
• Small grant projects on TK were implemented on genetic and cultural diversity by custodians of TK in local communities;
• Development of a list of essential genetic biological resources with reference to the corresponding TK, cultural and other landscape resources in cooperation with FEAK;
• Research was conducted (review of legislation, studying the views of stakeholders, as well as specific cases collected by custodians of TK), as well as the platform as a basis for introducing or piloting an access and benefit-sharing mechanism in the country was established;
• Raising awareness of the general public, local communities, researchers, decision-makers, officials and other stakeholders about ABS was conducted.

Traditional Knowledge and Intangible Cultural Heritage Natural Resource Management