What We Do

"Origins" Youth Fellowship Program in Traditional Arts and Knowledge

Goal and objectives of the project

Search, development and support of young talented creative personalities
Revival of the best traditions and cultivation of artistic taste
Strengthening professional cultural ties between creative groups and performers;
Support, counseling, and mentoring will be provided through the active involvement of elders, keepers of traditional knowledge, and local community leaders.
Within the framework of the "Istoki" scholarship program in the field of traditional arts and knowledge, an international creative camp of indigenous youth was held from July 24 to 31 on the South Bank of Issyk-Kul, in the yurt camp "Bel-Tam".

Youth from Buryatia, Khakassia, Altai, and Kyrgyzstan participated in the camp. During the week they created movies, musical compositions, animated videos, painted pictures, sewed costumes, designed installations, handicrafts, and worked together to create an art performance.

Participants listened to lectures by speakers, experts from different spheres, discussed with them about creativity, spirituality, traditions, modernity, art and much more. And there were also trips to sacred places, the house of the artist, the center "Salbuurun", to the canyon "Fairy Tale".

This camp is designed to strengthen and preserve cultural and spiritual roots through young creative expressions/initiatives under the guidance and mentorship of the keepers of traditional knowledge.
Traditional Knowledge