What We Do

RDF Research and Approaches in the Development of Rural Institutions

Sociological study of the degree of affiliation of the Rural Advisory Service network to farmers in Kyrgyzstan

This case study involving 700 people through quantitative survey and qualitative research was conducted in 2006. This study was conducted to analyze and assess the degree of affiliation of the Rural Advisory Service (RAS) to farmers through the lens of their own perceptions. RDF conducted comprehensive interviews (surveys) with more than 600 people from 97 villages in all oblasts of Kyrgyzstan. The survey participants were selected by random selection method. In addition, the research team reviewed various materials, including statutes, program documents, reports, manuals, instructions, and minutes of council meetings. These materials helped to understand SCS procedures related to farmer ownership and to see how they are understood and implemented in practice.
The study was financially supported by the Swiss Development Corporation.

Rapid survey on public awareness of avian influenza in the Kyrgyz Republic
The main objectives of the rapid survey, in which 1,100 people participated, were:
- To provide officials and organizations involved in the prevention and control of avian influenza with a general picture of public awareness of the phenomenon;
- to identify the sources of information that are most trusted and considered effective;
- finding out which information channels can be used to communicate information in the pre-pandemic and pandemic phases.

This study was prepared for the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic in 2006.

Sociological survey on "Rural Water Supply and Sanitation" project
This survey was conducted to find out the situation on provision of clean drinking water to rural population, state of sanitary conditions and observance of hygiene measures related to clean water consumption. The main components of the study were:
- Availability of services (water sources, remoteness of water, water supply status);
- Quality of services (water quality: taste, odor, presence of microorganisms in it, etc.);
- Solvency of the population to pay for water supply services, readiness of the population to pay for services to improve rural water supply;
- Social activity of the poor and vulnerable segments of the population and equal access to clean water for all segments of the population;
- Hygiene and sanitation i.e. use of soap in the household and hygiene measures to prevent diseases related to poor quality water and lack of hygiene and sanitation.

The study was financially supported by the UK Department for International Development.
Rural institutional development