Road Quality and Accessibility for the Bishkek and Osh Urban Infrastructure Project
Road Quality and Accessibility for the Bishkek and Osh Urban Infrastructure Project Baseline Study
Under the Bishkek and Osh Infrastructure Project (BIPP), 39 roads were planned to be constructed and improved, providing hard all-weather pavement for the existing dirt roads in these settlements with a total length of 21.1 km - from 1 to 11 roads in each of the participating new settlements.
The goal of the SIPP was to improve the accessibility, quality and efficiency of the infrastructure services provided to the residents of the new settlements participating in the SIPP in order to improve their living conditions and promote their social and economic integration into the urban community.
The objective of the study was to conduct a baseline assessment of socio-economic indicators in seven new buildings around Bishkek city participating in the PIPDP implemented by ARIS and financed by the World Bank. As part of this project, RDF was involved in the implementation of the quantitative research.
Years of implementation: 2009-2010
Location: Bishkek, Chui oblast
Donor: Agency for Development and Investment (ARIS)
Project Objective The study aimed to collect primary qualitative information on the quality and accessibility of infrastructure services (roads) in new buildings in Bishkek city for further assessment of the project impact in selected new buildings.
The baseline assessment determined the baseline value of the indicators as of December 2009 against which the Project's impact on the quality of life of the residents of the new buildings and the impact of road improvements on the socio-economic development of these new buildings could be assessed. The magnitude and rate of change resulting from the Project's road improvements will be established by comparing these baseline values with data that will be collected as part of subsequent studies.
Project Location The survey was conducted in 7 new buildings in Bishkek - Ak-Orgo, Ak-Ordo, Dordoi, Dostuk (Kasym), Tynchtyk, Kalys-Ordo and Kara-Zhygach.
RDF specialists identified 3 clusters to ensure the representativeness of the sample, the selection of households was based on the pyramid principle, i.e., depending on the distance of households from the main road distribution of the number of respondents.
Cluster No. 1: the number of respondents for questionnaires and focus groups, which are located at a distance from 0 to 50 meters from the road, was 46% of all respondents in one new building.
Cluster No. 2: the number of respondents who are between 51 to 200 meters from the road was 35% of all respondents in one new building.
Cluster No. 3: the number of respondents who are between 201 to 500 meters from the road was 19% of all respondents in one new building.
Evaluation Indicators First group of indicators: Information about respondents, their houses and land plots. Second group of indicators: Information about own vehicles, access to roads and public transportation services. Third group of indicators: Access to social infrastructure facilities and services, economic infrastructure facilities. Fourth group of indicators: Perception of road quality and expectations related to road improvement.
Results of the study In the results of the study of indicators of the impact of planned construction on the quality of life of the population were identified expectations of residents on the roads in the perspective of reducing future costs for transportation services, and saving time. Social indicators were studied in relation to the living conditions in the new buildings, measured by the population's access to social services (medical services, education).
Roads play a significant role in the lives of residents of new buildings, especially poor people who use public transportation, which affects their safety, travel time, access to health and educational institutions, markets, and social and cultural opportunities. Poor roads have a negative impact on the family budget of residents of new buildings.
The vast majority of people living in new buildings are dissatisfied with the quality of roads in their new buildings. Roads in all new buildings included in the Project are in poor condition, some are just unpaved, others are covered with pebbles.
All survey participants supported the Project and voiced hopes that road reconstruction would improve their living standards. People have high expectations for improvement of roads in new buildings in terms of safety, transportation costs. They expect that repaired roads will increase the value of their houses. Residents of new buildings hope that repaired roads will affect the access of public transportation and the cost of public transportation will decrease.
Thus, the results show that all new buildings require significant investment in infrastructure. Since these new buildings were built without proper planning or sufficient financial resources, their infrastructure is either in poor condition or non-existent.