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RDF participated in a seminar organized by the Federation of Organic Movement "Bio KG"

On October 17, 2013, at the invitation of the Federation of Organic Movement "Bio-KG" at the "Information Seminar on Organic Agriculture", RDF project coordinator Akmatova Kuluipa Akmatova and nomadic cuisine expert Tilekeeva Zhyldyz made a presentation on "Preservation and revival of traditional nomadic cuisine of Kyrgyz people", and also told about the dissemination and introduction of nomadic cuisine through pilot vocational lyceums of the country. Methodological guides adapted and introduced into the curricula of pilot lyceums were presented to the participants of the seminar (more information about methodological guides -http://rdf.in.kg/rus/news/111/).

The manual on nomadic cuisine aroused special interest. Project expert Zhyldyz Tilekeeva gave a detailed description of it and shared various national recipes for quick, healthy and healthy food instead of "fast food". The topic of food ration in educational institutions was also discussed, as well as the experiment of including Kyrgyz traditional dish "kuurma chai" in the diet of students in pilot vocational lyceums.
Rural institutional development