What We Do

About Pastoral Network "Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna"

Pastoral Network "Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna"

The Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna Network is a network that unites all those people and organizations who are interested in and care about the preservation and transfer of traditional knowledge. Within the framework of this Network, supporters manage to combine, generalize and collect all the accumulated experience, knowledge and information about various methods of grazing, treating animals with improvised natural remedies, rules and recipes for the use of medicinal herbs, the secrets of raising horses and pacers, caring for yaks in alpine conditions, using camels in everyday life and in wanderings, rituals and traditions of nomadic life, educational games for young people and, of course, share the recipes of nomadic cuisine of the Kyrgyz people.

Our Network "Kyrgyz el akyl kazyna" is aimed at preserving what we can still manage to preserve from the people's treasury of the wisdom of our fathers, to help today's livestock breeders make their life in the harsh conditions of the mountains safer and more pleasant, just as our ancestors lived, studying the harmony of coexistence with nature.

Defining Kyrgyz Traditional Knowledge
In the past few years, interest in traditional knowledge has increased significantly, more and more people are interested in it, refer to it and use it in their daily lives. Moreover, it is becoming a fashionable trend, and for some a lifestyle, more and more often you hear “traditional knowledge” from those around you in different contexts and meanings.

But what do they really mean, what is the true meaning of traditional knowledge?
Traditional knowledge is knowledge and practical skills about the environment, which are fixed in both intangible and material forms, and transmitted by historically established communities from generation to generation, when the mother teaches the daughter, and the father teaches the son. They are the great value to any nation and are continuously evolving in accordance with the changing environment.

The Kyrgyz people have accumulated a rich centuries-old cultural heritage. The customs and ceremonies of the Kyrgyz people have passed a difficult path of historical development. In search of better conditions, the Kyrgyz led a nomadic lifestyle, in the process of which they exchanged information, cultural values ​​and labor skills with different ethnic groups, while preserving the most valuable and best of the life of previous generations.

Every year there are fewer and fewer older people who know and remember these traditions. Therefore, it is important right now to document and preserve the traditional knowledge and values ​​of the Kyrgyz in order to pass them on to future generations, and so that all these values ​​remain in the history of Kyrgyzstan.

Members of the Network:
Algozhoeva Zhanar KEAK - regional leader; Chui region (0555) 305230
Amanova Toyun - a member of the KEAK Network; Naryn region (0778) 717957
Baisheva Janyl KEAK - regional leader; Issyk - Kul region (0778) 846731
Dzhanyshbaeva Altyn - leader of the KEAK Network; Chui region, Kemin (0556) 611545
Zhusupbekova Dinara KEAK - regional leader; Osh region (0553) 090557
Ibraimova Kuluipa KEAK - regional leader; Chui region (0772) 736833
Kasymova Elmira KEAK - regional leader; Chui region (0555) 940589
Murzalieva Begaim KEAK - regional leader; Naryn region (0554) 779633 (0702) 726852
Monoldorova Jyldyz KEAK - regional leader; Chui region (0555) 785597
Muratalieva Ainagul - a member of the KEAK Network; Suusamyr (0559) 459037
Nusupova Roza KEAK - regional leader; Jalal-Abad region (0772) 746652
Osmonalieva Chynar KEAK - philologist, public figure, deputy of the local Kenesh; Talas region (0771) 908586
Orozalieva Rakhima KEAK - Biologist; Talas region (0705) 278186 (0708) 395421
Ormonova Arzybu KEAK - regional leader; Batken region (0777) 731201
Temirbekova Gulmira KEAK - regional leader; Talas region (0772) 278228

Pastoral network "Kyrgyz El Akyl Kazyna"