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The Initiative was implemented within the "Next Steps for Conservation of Biological and Cultural Diversity through Traditional Knowledge in the Kyrgyz Republic" Project

RDF has supported local community groups in the implementation of small grants focused on sustainable natural resources and the protection of genetic resources situated on the territory of their communities.

1. Small Project - "Social Networks as a Mechanism for Disseminating Knowledge among Young People about Genetic Resources of the Talas Region and Related Traditional Knowledge”

Implementing actor: Public Association “Center for Development of Civil Initiatives "Aikol", Talas region.

Project partners: Talas National Park "Besh-Tash" and 8 ayil okmotu of Talas region; Objective: promotion of the protection of Genetic Resources (GR) and associated Traditional Knowledge (TK) is based on the approach “Photo and video-voices of young people in social networks. The project involved youth and the entire population of Talas district and Talas city.

The project has resulted in:
  • Using social networks, place at least 50 posts on genetic resources of the Talas region and hold contests among users, thus, through photo and video materials, attract a large number of participants to the discussion of the project's topics and hear the voice of young people;
  • Produce two social videos and conduct a media awareness campaign in Talas region, which includes training young community activists to work with the population to conserve genetic resources;
  • To form a mobile group of children, residents of different villages of the Talas region, who have undergone training to advance the further tasks of the project aimed at preserving genetic resources.

2. The small project "Herbs - dyes and medicinal herb aconite - as a symbol of the revival and transmission of the heritage of the fathers to preserve the wealth of their native land to the younger generation"

Implementing actor: Public Fund of Folk Craftsmen "Altyn Oimok" from Issyk-Kul region, Ton district, Bokonbaevo village. 

Project partners: LSG of Ton district, s. Bokonbaevo, vocational-technical lyceum №81, secondary school after Dogdurov, the village of Eshperov.

The purpose of the project was to conserve useful local natural resources, such as aconite and herbs-dyes of Ak-Bakshi gorge, Ton district, through study and outreach work among livestock breeders and women artisans.

The project has resulted in:
  • Building of a mini-greenhouse and plant dye herbs, which were considered as a genetic resource of the area in order to preserve them and respect the wild-growing herbs, and provide jobs for women;
  • Creation of a social partnership for ethno-ecotourism aimed at preserving biocultural diversity, which would further serve as an impetus for the formation of local initiatives;
  • Training more than 13 artisans and 36 students of the local Prof. Technical Lyceum No. 81, livestock farmers, with the involvement of a specialist in medicinal herbs;
  • To inform the population to create a resonance in the discussion of environmental problems in relation to genetic resources, to distribute a brochure on herbs-dyes, "aconite";
  • Holding the Festival "Zher bailygy-El bailygy" with the participation of students and teachers of the vocational lyceum, aksakals, custodians of TK, artisans, also with the participation of Pasture committees, travel companies, media, local government bodies, partner organizations.

3. The small project - "Natural Pantry - the Wealth of the People" Implementing actor: Public Fund "Amanat-Omur", Chui region, Sokuluk district, Kyzyl - Tuu village.
Project partners: Local self-government bodies of Sokuluk region from Kyzyl – Tuu village; Secondary school of the village of Kyzyl Tuu; Educational media center "Konok".
The small project was aimed at the promotion of biocultural diversity among residents of the Kyzyl-Tuu village, Sokuluk district through access to information on genetic resources (Nagoya Protocol) of the area and demonstration of the importance of conservation of the local resources through creating a social enterprise, and improvement of the well-being of the population.

The project has resulted in:
  • Informing and familiarizing the local population with the content of the Nagoya Protocol on the regulation of access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use;
  • Placement of photo presentations, video clips and other materials on the promotion of traditional knowledge and the use of liquorice, as well as other local genetic resources on the multimedia portal of the Konok center and on the website of the Amanat Omur Foundation under the heading “Zher bailigy-El bailigy”;
  • Opening of a social enterprise for the correct collection and processing of local medicinal herbs, such as liquorice and other types of medicinal herbs with the involvement of women, and youth from vulnerable groups, where exhibitions of finished products made from liquorice will be organized with the tasting of healthy teas nomadic Kyrgyz and drinks;
  • Carrying out joint excursions for schoolchildren with parents in order to teach respect for local biodiversity, and inform about local medicinal herbs, as well as other natural resources of the area.
Natural Resource Management