What We Do

Zukhra Khakimova's story

Until June 2010, Zukhra Hakimova's family lived in the Cheremushki microdistrict, which would later become infamous. There were two detached houses on their land plot, where 17 people lived. "One for all and all for one!" - was the motto of the family, a truly large and friendly family, which consisted of representatives of several generations. But in one day Zuhra lost seven close relatives: her mother, who was paralyzed after suffering a stroke, her older brother, his wife and three nieces, two of whom were only 4 and 1 years old, and her eldest nephew.

When the mass arson, house pogroms and brutal killings began, the entire family hid in the basement of their home. The screams of the adults and the cries of the children could not stop the heartless intruders, and their house, like many others, was set on fire. Not everyone was able to get out of the basement to the outside that day. Her siblings perished in their own home, which was not a secure fortress for them, and it was a great and irreparable loss for the entire family. When the construction of transitional housing was underway, the family, which left 10 people, lived with relatives in the village of Suro-Tash, near the border with Uzbekistan. Even then they were firmly convinced that they were not going to leave their native Osh - this was their home on their native land.

After the events, no one in the family worked, and the main source of subsistence was humanitarian aid and support from acquaintances and neighbors. Zukhra received compensation from the state for the loss of her mother and older brother of 20,000 soms (about 450 USD) each. Small amounts of money were also received during the holy month of Ramadan in 2010.

The international organization Red Cross built them a two-room house. The construction process required additional investments, which the family did not have, in finishing materials and other construction internal works such as communications, electricity and heating. Obviously, the two-room house was quite cramped for four families. The process of building a house for this family was not controlled by anyone - the family was under stress, Zuhra was recovering her health and receiving treatment in the hospital. This family did not have the opportunity to bring the process of building them to completion, while many families had already moved into their own transitional houses. Therefore, our initiative assisted in the construction of this family's home, purchased building materials, and added one room to increase the square footage of the home.

Families whose lives have been changed by violent inter-ethnic conflict are stories told by women. And there are thousands like them. People really need help in any form - moral, psychological and financial. What is important is that now, after these tragic events, we need to be able to build a stable and strong society without conflicts and resentments, in which both adults and children of all nationalities will be happy.
Initiative " KADAM"