What We Do

KADAM Initiative

Dear friends, citizens of Kyrgyzstan and those who are not indifferent to the fate of the people of Kyrgyzstan!
Horrific violence and instability have burdened the multiethnic people of Kyrgyzstan. When the country faces difficulties, Rural Development Fund, a non-partisan, non-profit, non-governmental organization operating in all regions of Kyrgyzstan, is helping to solve them through the   initiative; "Step to Rebuild Houses in the South of the Country"   under the   "KADAM - Emergency Help".

Initiative “Step to Reconstruction of Homes of Victims in the South of Kyrgyzstan”  
RDF launched the   KADAM Program, which previously provided small grants to families of single mothers across the country for low-income activities. “Kadam” means “to take a step” from Kyrgyz and Uzbek languages. In connection with the tragic events in the south of the country in June 2010, the RDF initiated a new program "KADAM - Emergency Aid" to provide assistance to affected residents in Osh and Jalal-Abad regions. Using this network, the RDF organized assistance to families who were   affected by conflicts in the Osh and Jalal-Abad regions. Unfortunately, we will not be able to bring the victims back to life or reduce the pain of those injured during the tragic events, but we were able to help our compatriots in the south - Uzbeks and   Kyrgyz - in the material restoration of their communities, step by step. As part of this initiative, we helped rebuild the homes of affected families in the south, headed by women who do not have their own capabilities and support.

First results of the  
Regardless of ethnicity, assistance was provided to an Uzbek household in the city of Osh. To date, the house of the Zukhra Khakimova family has already been built and commissioned. Thus, the main stage of the Home Building Initiative has   completed, the results of which you can find on our website.   After all, to maintain normal living conditions for families, not only the walls of the house are needed, but also vital items   ,   as   household appliances, household items, other - everything that was destroyed, looted, burned.

Selection criteria   needy families
- poverty level
- the level of need, calculated according to the degree of family independence and the possibility of recovery
- absence of a breadwinner (usually a man) in the household (usually several families live in one household).

The selected families are women-headed families with four   and younger children and completely destroyed homes and farms -   they had no one to rely on.  
Here you can find information about a family that has already received a newly built home   and   family in need of additional help. RDF experts have met with these families, their neighbors and local authorities on several occasions and are in constant contact with them.
Initiative " KADAM"