What We Do

Step towards home restoration

As part of the CADAM initiative, the homes of our brothers and sisters in southern Kyrgyzstan were restored

Purpose of the program
Assistance in stabilizing the situation in the south of the republic (Osh and Jalal-Abad regions) by collecting charitable aid from those who wish and providing them with targeted assistance for the restoration and construction of burnt houses of families affected by the conflict zone.

How did we identify the need for assistance?
Representatives of the RDF in Osh and Jalal-Abad regions collected information about the most affected residents of the south of the Republic during the hostilities. Assistance was provided specifically for the restoration of housing for families, according to the following criteria:
- poverty level
- the level of need, calculated according to the degree of destruction of houses and family opportunities
- the absence of a breadwinner in the household, as a rule, it is a man (usually several families live in the same household).

What are our mechanisms for delivering assistance to beneficiaries?
Our representatives in the south assisted families selected on the basis of the above criteria directly in the construction of housing in the form of purchasing building materials, hiring labor and arranging living conditions.

How did we ensure transparency   use of donated funds?
The RDF website regularly posted information about the funds received and donations, a full report on donations and their use, and photographs about those in need and assistance provided to them.
In addition,   organized newsletter of the program   "CADAM - Emergency Help"   by e-mail. To be included in the mailing list, it is enough to send a message "CADAM - Emergency Help" to the address:   general@rdf.in.kg
Initiative " KADAM"