What We Do

Genetic resources and traditional knowledge

1.CRGI "Amanat Omur".

Project title:

"Let's preserve natural and genetic resources of Talas".

Project Timeframe:

5 months, from January 01, 2017 to June 01, 2018.

Project Goal, objectives, also expected results of the project:

Goal: To promote the protection of Genetic Resources (GR) and related Traditional Knowledge (TK) through photo - video voice of youth in social media among the youth population of Talas district and Talas City


1. To form and train Mobile Youth Volunteer Group (MYVG);

2. To discuss the basic principles of Nogo Protocol in social networks in connection with local useful resources;

3. Physical awareness campaigns in 8 Aiyl Aimaks of Talas district and online awareness campaigns in social media on protection of Genetic Resources and related Traditional Knowledge;

4. Announcement of photo contest in social networks about Genetic Resources and related Traditional Knowledge on their protection;

5. Organization of photo and video exhibition with further discussion among youth;

6. Release of 2 videos on Genetic Resources and related Traditional Knowledge and their protection;

7. Placement of video and audio clips in local TV and radio.

Expected results:

1. At least 800 people involved;

2. At least 50 posts with photos;

3. at least 3 contests (Contest winners will be the guys who have a large number of likes on social networks);

4. At least 20 young activists trained on Genetic Resources and related TK;

5. 2 commercials produced;

6. Mobile research site established for the first time;

7. Talas population receives information about Genetic Resources of the region and related TK;

8. Young people have an idea about genetic resources, also know legends, bylinas, recipes of their use;

9. A group of volunteers has been formed, which can work mobilized on the topic of natural resources protection and environmental issues, Kyrgyz TK;

10. Photo exhibition

Final youth costumed festival on protection of Genetic Resources and related TK and promotion of Nagoya Protocol at oblast level meetings in 8 aiyl aimags of Talas district with TK practitioners on GR.

2) Name of the organization: PF "Altyn Oymok".

Project name: "Coloring herbs and medicinal herb aconite as a symbol of revival and transmission of the heritage of fathers on preservation of the wealth of native land to the younger generation".

3. Project goal, objectives, as well as expected results of the project:

Preservation of local useful natural resources such as aconite and herbal dyes of Ak Bakshy gorge of Ton district through study and awareness raising activities among livestock breeders and women artisans, as well as discussion among representatives of tourism companies, LSG bodies with the involvement of young livestock farmers.


- To conduct a local survey and interview among artisans, livestock breeders, local aksakals, tourism organizations to study the problems with aconite and dyeing herbs and to identify the range of parties involved in solving the problems of these useful herbs. Produce a small brochure with information on aconite and dye herbs for livestock keepers and artisans, which will be useful for other community members.

- Holding discussion meetings and training for livestock breeders and artisans, students of other participants in the problem solving circle.

- Establishing a mini-greenhouse and careful planting of mountain coloring herbs that we will get from seeds, cuttings for conservation and increase.

- Organizing a local Festival to bring together artisans and animal breeders, also other members of the local community to conserve the useful resources of the area. The festival will be held with the involvement of students and teachers of the college, inviting old-timers, TK keepers, artisans, zhayit committees, tourism firms, media, LSG bodies, partner organizations from the KEAC network;

Expected results of the project:

A mini-greenhouse will be built where coloring herbs will be planted.
A small brochure on aconite and coloring herbs will be produced for distribution to the community;
13 craftswomen will be trained using 2 local bearers and keepers of traditional knowledge on the use of natural coloring herbs.
36 students of livestock farmers will be trained with the involvement of herbalist;
11 teachers from Lyceum No. 81 and Dogdurov School will be trained on the importance of preserving biocultural diversity;
It is expected that this will provide an opportunity to strengthen cooperation between the Jaiyit committees and the group of craftswomen, also the school and lyceum, and tourist organizations for the benefit of careful attitude and preservation of natural biodiversity of the Ak-Bakshy gorge, also the coast of the Ak-Sai river;
The Festival "Wealth of the native land - wealth of the people" will be held with the involvement of students and teachers from the vocational lyceum, inviting old residents, keepers of TK, craftsmen, zhayit committees, tourist firms, mass media, LSG bodies, partner organizations from the KEAC network.

3) Project name: "Natural treasure house - the wealth of the people".

Project location: Chui oblast, Sokuluk district, Kyzyl-Tuu village.

Project Objective:

To promote biocultural diversity among residents of Kyzyl-Tuu village of Sokuluk district through access to information on genetic resources (Nagoya Protocol) of the area and to show by example of creation of social enterprise the importance of local resources for improving the welfare of the population.


1.Informing the population, familiarizing them with the content of the Nagoya Protocol on the regulation of access to genetic resources and fair and equitable sharing of benefits from their use.

2. Using the resources of the multimedia center, to make a photo and video clip on the promotion of traditional knowledge and the use of licorice and other local genetic resources. To open the rubric "Zher bailigy-el bailigy" on the Foundation's website.

3. Establishment of a social enterprise for the local women's community to process local medicinal herbs such as licorice with training on the proper collection of medicinal herbs, as well as an educational excursion to the mountains.

4. Exhibition of finished products of the social enterprise: bath brooms from licorice herb, bath collections, cut licorice, licorice extracts with tasting of useful teas of nomadic Kyrgyz and drinks for the local population

Project Sustainability:

The local community will set an example of community activism through social enterprise;
The local community will use ecologically clean medicinal herbs, making bath brooms from licorice will help to preserve birch, oak, juniper trees, which are actively used as raw materials and are therefore endangered;
The use of licorice extracts in the manufacture of culinary, confectionery products will improve their quality, increase shelf life and shelf-life, replace partially or completely sugar in the recipe, allow to produce products for the category of population for whom the use of sugar is limited or undesirable (patients with diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.);
We will use mainly non-liquid raw material of licorice, which goes to waste in the process of harvesting and re-harvesting by other companies;
For harvesting of a certain part of licorice, which will be used for cutting conditioned licorice roots and raw materials for brooms, baths will be taken permits in the relevant state bodies with payment to the state, contracts for harvesting with local residents with payment upon delivery;
Low-income women will be provided with employment;
In order to ensure sustainability of the project results, the obtained equipment can be used in the future for conservation and processing of surplus agricultural products of local residents in cases when their sale is difficult or limited.

4)Project title:

"Enhancement of local ecocapacity for conservation of biodiversity of landscapes of At-Bashy district".

Project Timeline:

January 2018 to May 2018

Project Location: Acha-Kayyndy village, At-Bashy district, Naryn oblast, territory of Acha-Kayyndy aiyl okmotu.

Brief description of your organization's experience:

The main goal of "Tabiyat-At-Bashy" NGO is the creation and preservation of ecologically clean environment on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, as well as public support of activities on environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and sustainable development.Members of "Tabiyat - At-Bashy" NGO more than 100 people, including more active 30 people. We participate in the implementation of projects of international organizations and as volunteers. We have premises, computer and office equipment.

As a co-executor participated in the realization of the following projects: "Construction of heating stoves "ASD" in the village of Acha-Kaindy", "Increasing the efficiency of stoves in combination with biogas plants and insulation of houses in At-Bashy district", "Expansion and replication of the new heating system "ASD"", where there was shooting a movie on the methodology of collective video. Also, conducting seminars, trainings, generalization and analysis of effectiveness based on construction of two demonstration systems in Aksy and At-Bashy districts.

Project Objective:

Preservation of biodiversity of ecosystems of At-Bashi district and improvement of environment through mobilization of potentials of local residents and organizations.

Expected results:

- A study will be conducted to assess genetic resources of vegetation and animals of Achy-Kaindinsky aiyl okmotu of At-Bashinsky rayon, the results of which will interest the population of the rayon to genetic resources of the study area.

- Collection, analysis, generalization of materials, publication and distribution of 500 copies of methodical manuals among the population, which will increase their awareness of genetic bioresources of the district and activate their activities on rational nature management.

- Holding seminars with participation of 50-60 local activists, managers will increase their activity, improve their interaction in solving local environmental and economic problems. New environmental groups will be created: NGOs, Jamaats, whose activities will be aimed at solving problems of genetic biodiversity conservation in At-Bashy rayon. will activate their activities on rational nature management.

5) Public association - "Inspiration"

Project name: "Currant - genetic resource in Suusamyr valley".


To conduct research on mountain currants and related local knowledge with a call to young people for conservation of genetic resources. Genetic resources and related traditional knowledge, values, benefits of nature will be disseminated among the people, as well as carrying out activities.

To hold talks among school students on the topic of knowledge of genetic resources in Suusamyr valley.

To plant currants with 400 square meters in the school territory.

To create favorable conditions for mobilizing the people to learn about genetic resources.

Expected Outcomes:

As a result, currant bushes will appear on the school grounds and currant seedlings will be planted in every house.

A special group of people (kenesme tobu) is organized to disseminate information and knowledge about genetic resources. Teachers and students will disseminate their acquired knowledge about genetic resources to other schools.


1.An information seminar was held,

2.A study on traditional knowledge in terms of currant cultivation and care was conducted,

3. Educational talks were held among students of 6-11 grades of S. Myrzakmatov school,

4.A contest among schoolchildren on the theme "kara monchok karagat" was held,

5. Currant saplings were planted on the territory of the school with the area of 20 by 20 meters,

6. A round table was held among traditional knowledge holders and students in the project,

7. The final festival was held.

II. In the process of working in the project we have achieved the following achievements:

1.We were able to convey the concept of traditional knowledge and genetic resources to the people of the valley,

2.The connection between KEAC and the school staff and students was strengthened.

3.An alley of currants appeared in the school.

4. Currant bushes appeared in 5 houses in the village.

IV. In the project the researchers could not fully disclose the essence of the research. And since less money was allocated for the project we could not implement this project in other villages.

V. As it suddenly started strong wind, rains on the day of the festival we had to hold the event inside the building.

VI. I want currant bushes to appear in other villages, lectures, discussions on traditional knowledge and genetic resources. I want to see favorable conditions for the formation of a group of traditional knowledge holders.

6) PF "Zymyryk".

Project name: "Conservation of biodiversity in Talas district in Kalba valley and dissemination of knowledge of genetic resources to local residents through school teachers".

Project objectives and results:

Goal: Conservation of biodiversity in Talas district in Kalba valley, disseminate frequently encountered issues of knowledge about genetic resources, organize "Green Class" in secondary school named after A.Soltonov, print brochures and distribute them, hold a seminar.

Expected results:

Based on the project, students will be able to learn the properties of medicinal plants and how to use them.

They will learn how to distinguish and store these medicinal plants. Green classroom and experience site is organized in the school. Pupils will be familiarized with the time of harvesting medicinal herbs and their safe collection for sending them to companies. The project will involve students and teachers from the school, local people, traditional knowledge holders, local environmentalists, community organizations and interested individuals.

Teachers will share what they have learned with other teachers.

Direct beneficiaries are those who have received information on storage and use, as well as those who participate in the collection of medicinal herbs for transfer to pharmaceutical companies, pupils, teachers, local residents.

Their number is 300 people. Pharmaceutical companies are considered indirect, because they produce various mixtures, infusions, etc. from the transferred herbs and deliver them in finished form to pharmacies. As a result of this project, the health of the inhabitants of Kalba Ayil District has improved, eco-centers have been established, pupils are receiving quality education, the level of teachers' degree has increased, and a healthy society is being formed in the future.


1. Describe the activities carried out during the project (point by point),

2. Your achieved results as a result of 100% realization of the project.

1. A meeting of the project organizers was held. Leaflets, brochures were issued. Information about the project was distributed. 32 people participated in the meeting.

2. carriers of traditional knowledge were found. A research questionnaire was made and successfully passed the test.

3. Research work was done, 12 people were interviewed about genetic resources.

4.A discussion was held about the project as well as a "green class" with a platform for experience among environmentalists, traditional knowledge holders and other stakeholders from the Ayil district of Kalba. The meeting was attended by the director of "Rural Development Fund (RDF)" Akmatova K.K., KEAC members, representative of Talas forestry, chairman of aiyl kenesh, environmentalists of aiyl district, representative of environmental faculty of TMU, traditional knowledge holders, local residents, teachers and students.

5. The following supplies were purchased for the "green classroom": Interactive whiteboard, (via tender) camera, flash drive, disks, booklets, banners, herbarium, cabinets, books, and indoor flowers, flower pots, watering cans, end-of-life supplies.

6. From 2nd to 11th grade teachers conducted a lesson on genetic resources in Kalba Valley. The school held a "Green Classroom" competition and awarded certificates to the winners.

7. On the training ground 0.3 hectares were prepared with 6 kinds of shrubs (rose hips, currants, etc.), and more than 40 kinds of medicinal plants.

8. A nature excursion was conducted to learn about genetic resources.

9. A final eco-seminar was held

10. Organized a practice plot and conducted an open class.

11. Disseminated information about genetic resources through teachers and pupils.

7) "Coalition of Journalists and NGOs against Corruption".

Project name: "Preservation and revival of the local variety of Nedzvedsky apple tree through creation of a mini school nursery".

Project Timeline:

January 10, 2018 to October 10, 2018

Goal, objectives, also expected results of the project:


To increase ecological knowledge of schoolchildren on preservation of endangered species of valuable varieties of fruit trees, also creation of mini nursery to protect local natural resources of Bazar-Korgon district, Jalal-Abad oblast.


- To conduct training with participation of 40 schoolchildren from B. Anarkulov School #13 and T. Ismanov School, 1-May School and 20 youth from Shydyr, Kotkor, Tandoo and 1-May villages on conservation Expected results of the project;

- 40 schoolchildren from B. Anarkulov School #13 named after B. Anarkulov, T. Ismanov School, 1-May School and 20 youth from Shydyr, Kotkor, Tandoo and 1-May villages were selected to create an ecological team of biodiversity and endangered species of tree and shrub species in the territories of Kenesh aiyl district, Bazar-Korgon district of Jalal-Abad oblast;

- Creation of plantation "Kyzyl Alma Kyrgyz" (Nedzvedsky apple tree) using planting materials grown by Closed Root System (CRS) method and planting of saplings on the territory of 0.25 ha, on the forest plot of Tandoo. Expected results of the project;

- Selected 40 schoolchildren from B. Anarkulov School #13, T. Ismanov School, 1-May School and 20 youth from Shydyr, Kotkor, Tandoo and 1-May villages to create an environmental team;

- 40 schoolchildren and 20 young people were trained on biodiversity conservation and cultivation of planting species using closed root system method (seed collection, seed storage, seed preparation for sowing, soil preparation, seed sowing and care, etc.);

- Established 2 mini nurseries;

- Mobilized environmental team in planting saplings on 0.25 ha bare plot;

- Planting of fast growing trees to provide the population with cheap firewood on the denuded area of aiyl district.

8) Public Association "Koonorbos Muras".

Project name: "Golden root - the root of life".

Goal: Formation and expansion of outlook and knowledge of children about biodiversity of the plant world, genetic resource, collection of traditional knowledge.


1. To create a training site on the territory of the Oy Tersken village. Acha-Kayyndy for the transfer of traditional knowledge and teaching school students about medicinal herbs;

2. To arouse interest in the objects of the plant world, to consolidate the concept of the relationship between the plant world and man. To tell about the simplest ways of using plants and herbs for treatment;

3. To instill love for nature, the desire to take care of it, to form in children the conviction that the beauty and usefulness of nature is priceless, so it must be protected.

Expected results:

Children and their parents get and expand their understanding of medicinal herbs, their usefulness and use;
They recognize and name medicinal plants and herbs;
They develop an environmental attitude to the nature of their native village;
They come to the conclusion that plants not only decorate our life, feed us, but also are a cure for many diseases.
Natural Resource Management Local Initiatives