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Support to Development of a Green Agriculture by Local Communities

The project “Support to Development of a Green Agriculture by Local Communities” was focused on climate change mitigation through the development of a model of the agricultural value chain that respects biodiversity, allows to adapt production to the environmental challenges, increases productivity, and fosters the creation of social and locally-based agro-enterprises.

Kyrgyzstan is a mountainous country rich in different natural resources which appear due to a diversity of natural landscapes. Practically the entire country’s area lies 1500 meters above sea level and high mountains determine the formation of the different climatic zones, contributing to the emergence of the ecosystems diversity: 20 classes of ecosystems, 160 types of mountainous and lowland landscapes. In Kyrgyzstan, 4000 high species are grown, among which 1600 species are economically valuable, and 200 species are estimated as medicinal herbs.

The plants significantly impact the lives and livelihoods of the local communities. Kyrgyz people had broad knowledge related to the use of medicinal herbs and useful plants in everyday life and for the treatment of people and animals. Traditional medicine is based on traditional methods of treatment using medicinal herbs and natural resources, which have been transferred from generation to generation for many centuries.

The degradation of the flora caused by the negative anthropogenic impact leads to a loss of biodiversity and a reduction of ecosystem services. Cultivation of medicinal herbs and useful and aromatic plants based on an ecosystem approach using new technologies and traditional knowledge is becoming the best alternative for the conservation of the resources and support of the local population in maintaining livelihoods, as well as the development of the medicinal herbs cultivation sector.

The mission of the project was focused on contributing to climate change mitigation and sustainable use of natural resources through the introduction of green technologies and innovations. The project aimed at the creation of possibilities for the improvement of the livelihoods of local communities, strengthening of food security and capacity building of local entrepreneurs through the organization of local social entrepreneurship, founded on rational use of natural resources using traditional ecological knowledge.

The main project beneficiaries were local farmers, including young families and women, involved in the collection and cultivation of medicinal herbs. The project also involved local vocational schools.

The period of implementation: 2020-2024
Green Agriculture and Climate Change