What We Do

Conflict Resolution around the Issue of Granting Pastures to Citizens of Other States Project

Conflict Resolution around the Issue of Granting Pastures to Citizens of Other States Project

The borders dividing the southern part of Kyrgyzstan with neighbouring countries are considered a hot zone since conflicts have occurred on these territories more than once. Disputes are especially aggravated in summer when the question arises about the distribution of resources between the inhabitants of the countries. In 2014, due to the increase in the number of conflicts, and their depth, the Government of the country together with the deputy corps conducted an analysis of conflicts, one of the main sources of conflicts was the issue of pasture use. Since 2009, the PF RDF has been involved in the adoption of the Draft Law on the transfer of powers to manage pastures in border areas at the level of Parliament and Government. During this time, together with the Department of Pastures under the Ministry of Agriculture, experts managed to lobby for the adoption of amendments to the Law “On Pastures”. Since November 2014, the RDF has launched a new project "Conflict Resolution around the Issue of Granting Pastures to Citizens of Other States”.

Years of implementation: November, 2014 - October, 2015
Place of implementation: Border territories of Batken region
Donor: NED
Partners: Department of Pastures under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kyrgyz Republic, OMSU

The goal of the project was to prevent the emergence of conflicts around the issue of providing Kyrgyz pastures to citizens of other states in the border regions of the Batken region by developing mechanisms and procedures for grazing livestock for residents of other states on Kyrgyz pastures.

Objectives were:
  • Conduct research and determine the possibilities of providing livestock grazing for Tajik citizens on Kyrgyz pastures;
  • Based on intergovernmental agreements;
  • Based on the transfer of rights and powers to local self-government bodies;
  • Based on the results of the study, develop mechanisms for providing pastures to foreign citizens with all accompanying provisions, instructions and forms of contracts for local self-government bodies and pasture committees;
  • Conduct an advocacy campaign for the adoption and implementation of the developed mechanisms at the level of the Government (Pasture Department) of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Planned activities were:
  • Holding an international conference in Bishkek with the participation of stakeholders: representatives of local self-government bodies, district and regional administrations, representatives of the Government and the Parliament of the two countries. Presentation and discussion of the mechanisms and documentation developed within the framework of the project and the possibilities of their implementation in practice;
  • Conducting parliamentary hearings on pasture issues (if by the end of 2014 the Draft Laws or Agreements are not signed);
  • Organization of 3 meetings of representatives of local self-government bodies, regional, district administrations of Batken region with deputies (members of the committee on international relations and agriculture, as well as people from Batken region) of Parliament and members of the Government (if by the end of 2014 there are no Draft Laws or Agreements signed);
  • Dissemination of the developed project mechanisms (manuals) among stakeholders through the Pasture Department (by Order) at meetings and round tables in the field.

The results of the activities were:
1) Developed mechanisms and rules for the transfer of rights to use Kyrgyz pastures for Tajik citizens at the level of the Government and at the level of local self-government bodies.
2) A guide has been developed for representatives of local self-government bodies and pasture committees of border regions on the implementation and use of the developed mechanisms for providing pastures to citizens of other states;
3) In agreement with the DP, the necessary contract forms and documentation have been developed for the implementation of the developed mechanisms within the framework of this project;
4) Meetings were held with representatives of local self-government bodies, regional and district administrations of the Batken region, with deputies (members of the committee on international relations and agriculture, as well as people from the Batken region) of the Parliament and members of the Government (if necessary);
5) An advocacy campaign was carried out to resolve conflicts around the issues of providing opportunities for grazing Tajik cattle on Kyrgyz pastures in the border areas of the Batken region;
6) An international conference was held, where the mechanisms developed under the project for providing Kyrgyz pastures to foreign citizens were presented.

Conflict Mitigation